
2015年2月25日出版 2018年3月14日更新


Fuel cell vehicles use hydrogen gas to power an electric motor. Unlike conventional vehicles which run on gasoline or diesel, fuel cell cars and trucks combine hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, 驱动马达. 因为它们完全由电力驱动, fuel cell vehicles are considered electric vehicles (“EVs”)—but unlike other EVs, their range and refueling processes are comparable to conventional cars and trucks.

Converting hydrogen gas into electricity produces only water and heat as a byproduct, meaning fuel cell vehicles don’t create tailpipe pollution when they’re driven. 生产氢气本身会导致污染, 包括温室气体排放, but even when the fuel comes from one of the dirtiest sources of hydrogen, 天然气, 今天早期的燃料电池汽车和卡车可以 减排30%以上 与汽油驱动的汽车相比. 未来的可再生燃料标准——比如 加州目前的要求——可以使氢更清洁.

Because fuel cell vehicles are only beginning to enter the US market, 感兴趣的司机应确保住在附近 加氢站.


Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles combine the range and refueling of conventional cars with the recreational and environmental benefits of driving on electricity.

Refueling a fuel cell vehicle is comparable to refueling a conventional car or truck; pressurized hydrogen is sold at 加氢站, 填充当前模型所需时间少于10分钟. 有些租约可能完全包括加油的费用. 一次填充, 燃料电池汽车的行驶里程各不相同, but are similar to the ranges of gasoline or diesel-only vehicles (200-300 miles). Compared with battery-electric vehicles—which recharge their batteries by plugging in—the combination of fast, centralized refueling and longer driving ranges make fuel cells particularly appropriate for larger vehicles with long-distance requirements, 或者适合在家没有插件访问的司机.

与其他电动汽车一样,燃料电池汽车和卡车也可以使用 idle-off, which shuts down the fuel cell at stop signs or in traffic. 在某些驾驶模式下, 再生制动 是用来捕获丢失的能量并给电池充电的.


纯电动汽车 启动电动机和电池. 这为他们提供了更高的效率和, 比如燃料电池车, allows them to drive emissions-free when the electricity comes from renewable sources. 不像燃料电池汽车和卡车, battery electric vehicles can use existing infrastructure to recharge, 但必须长时间插电. 了解更多关于电池的517888九五至尊娱乐原理.

插电式混合动力汽车 are similar to battery electric vehicles but also have a conventional gasoline or diesel engine. This allows them to drive short distances on electricity-only, 长途旅行改用液体燃料. Although not as clean as battery electric or fuel cell vehicles, plug-in hybrids produce significantly less pollution than their conventional counterparts. 了解有关插电式汽车517888九五至尊娱乐原理的更多信息.

传统的混合动力车 also have conventional engines and an electric motor and battery, but can’t be plugged-in. 虽然比传统的汽车和卡车更清洁, non-plug-in hybrids derive all their power from gasoline and diesel, 也不被认为是电动汽车. 了解更多关于混合动力车的517888九五至尊娱乐原理.

点击这里了解更多关于电动汽车技术的信息, including its potential as a nationwide oil-saving solution.
